In a groundbreaking development at the intersection of robotics and biology, researchers at Cornell University have successfully created biohybrid robots using an unconventional component: fungal mycelia. This innovative approach, detailed in a recent paper published in Science Robotics, offers a new method for controlling robots that could significantly enhance their ability to react to their environment.

The research team, led by Rob Shepherd, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell University, cultivated mycelia – the underground vegetative part of mushrooms – and integrated it into the robots' design. By harnessing the innate electrical signals of mycelia, the researchers discovered a novel way to create robots capable of sensing and responding to environmental cues.

Anand Mishra, the lead author of the study and a research associate in Cornell's Organic Robotics Lab, explained the potential of this approach: "Living systems respond to touch, they respond to light, they respond to heat, they respond to even some unknowns, like signals. If you wanted to build future robots, how can they work in an unexpected environment? We can leverage these living systems, and any unknown input comes in, the robot will respond to that."

The team constructed two types of biohybrid robots for their experiments: a soft robot shaped like a spider and a wheeled bot. These robots underwent three distinct experiments to demonstrate their capabilities:

1. The robots walked and rolled in response to the mycelia's natural continuous signal spikes.

2. When stimulated with ultraviolet light, the robots changed their gaits, showcasing the mycelia's ability to react to environmental changes.

3. Researchers successfully overrode the mycelia's native signal, demonstrating control over the biohybrid system.

Professor Shepherd emphasised the significance of this research, stating, "This paper is the first of many that will use the fungal kingdom to provide environmental sensing and command signals to robots to improve their levels of autonomy." He also highlighted potential future applications, such as using these biohybrid robots to sense soil chemistry in agriculture and determine when to add fertiliser, potentially mitigating harmful downstream effects like algal blooms.

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