As a global leader in digital governance and e-services, Estonia has embraced the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). However, the rapid advancement of AI technologies has also raised concerns about their ethical implications and potential risks to fundamental rights. In response, Estonia has taken steps to develop a comprehensive AI strategy that seeks to balance innovation and economic growth with the protection of human rights and democratic values.

Estonia's AI Strategies

Estonia's first National AI Strategy, adopted in 2019, focused primarily on advancing the adoption of AI solutions in both the private and public sectors, increasing AI research and development, and creating a legal environment conducive to AI innovation.

Recognising the need for a more balanced approach, Estonia introduced its second National AI Strategy for 2022-2023. This updated strategy places greater emphasis on developing AI in a human-centric and trustworthy manner, aligning with the principles of a human-centred digital state. The new strategy outlines specific actions to support the development and use of reliable, ethical, and lawful AI solutions, such as establishing requirements and measures to mitigate potential risks to fundamental rights.

Legislative Developments

Estonia has been actively participating in AI-related policy and legislative initiatives at the EU and international levels. As an EU member state, Estonia will be subject to the forthcoming EU AI Act, which seeks to establish harmonised rules for the development and deployment of AI systems based on a risk-based approach.

On the domestic front, Estonia is drafting legislation to address high-risk algorithmic systems, requiring creators of AI to provide transparency when AI interacts with individuals, processes their data, or makes decisions based on their data. The country also plans to amend its Administrative Procedure Act to enable the automation of certain administrative acts while ensuring respect for fundamental rights and human dignity.

Ethical Considerations

As Estonia continues to develop its AI governance framework, ethical considerations have come to the forefront. The country has endorsed international agreements such as the OECD AI Principles and the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, demonstrating its commitment to upholding ethical standards in the development and deployment of AI technologies.

Estonia's AI strategies now emphasise the importance of transparency, accountability, and respect for fundamental rights. The government has introduced tools like the data tracker, which allows citizens to monitor how their data is being used by public institutions, and is working to improve the clarity and accessibility of information related to automated decision-making processes.

Estonia's approach to AI governance is evolving to strike a balance between fostering innovation and protecting fundamental rights and democratic values. By actively participating in international AI policy discussions, implementing EU regulations, and developing its own human-centric AI strategies and legislation, Estonia aims to establish itself as a leader in the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

This country report is our interpretation and summary of the "CAIDP Artificial Intelligence & Democratic Values Index 2023". The full report can be found here -

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