Ethiopia, the second-most populous country in Africa, is embarking on an ambitious journey to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) for inclusive prosperity and digital transformation.

National AI Strategy
Ethiopia has tasked the Artificial Intelligence Institute with developing a comprehensive National AI Strategy. Innovation and Technology State Minister Huria Ali announced in June 2023 that the strategy is in its final stages. The National AI Strategy aims to cover critical aspects such as data management, human resource development, research and development, infrastructure, law, and ethics.

African Union Collaboration
As a member of the African Union (AU), Ethiopia is actively contributing to the development of human-centred AI policies aligned with the AU's digital transformation strategy and the Continental Data Policy Framework. The AU is also finalizing its AI Continental Strategy, with Ethiopia hosting the Finalization Writing Workshop in August 2023. This collaborative effort underscores Ethiopia's commitment to shaping the future of AI on the continent.

Data Protection
Recognizing the importance of data privacy, Ethiopia is making strides in establishing a robust legal framework. The draft Personal Data Protection (PDP) Proclamation, inspired by the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, aims to safeguard individuals' privacy and regulate personal data administration. While concerns have been raised about the independence of the proposed Personal Data Protection Commission, the PDP Proclamation is a crucial step towards protecting citizens' rights in the digital age.

Digital Transformation
Despite the challenges posed by limited infrastructure and internet access, particularly in rural areas, Ethiopia has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation strategy called Digital Ethiopia 2025. This strategy focuses on key economic sectors and foundational areas, aiming to create jobs, boost foreign exchange earnings, and achieve inclusive prosperity. Initiatives such as the Digital ID program, the National Digital Payments Strategy, and the Electronic Transaction Proclamation demonstrate Ethiopia's commitment to leveraging technology for socio-economic development.

Biometric Identification and Human Rights
The implementation of the Digital ID Program, known as Fayda, has raised concerns about potential discrimination against ethnic minorities, especially given the ongoing civil war. The government has taken steps to promote the adoption of digital ID, making it mandatory for various transactions and access to public services.

Ethiopia's human rights record has been a subject of concern, with the conflict in the Tigray region leading to numerous violations and restrictions on internet access. The country's stance on lethal autonomous weapons systems, as well as its commitment to international human rights instruments, will play a significant role in shaping its AI policies and practices.

Balancing Innovation and Ethics
The adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI and the potential influence of the BRICS AI working group present opportunities for Ethiopia to align its AI policies with global standards and best practices.

However, the success of Ethiopia's AI initiatives will depend on its ability to address the digital divide, ensure the protection of personal data, and uphold human rights.

Ethiopia's AI journey is a testament to the country's aspirations for digital transformation and inclusive prosperity.

This country report is our interpretation and summary of the "CAIDP Artificial Intelligence & Democratic Values Index 2023". The full report can be found here -

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