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MIT Study Reveals AI's Inconsistent Decision-Making in Home Surveillance
MIT Study Reveals AI's Inconsistent Decision-Making in Home Surveillance

MIT study: AI models in home surveillance inconsistently detect crime, recommend police calls, and show demographic biases in decision-making

by AI-360
Stanford Study Reveals Hidden Racial Bias in AI Language Models
Stanford Study Reveals Hidden Racial Bias in AI Language Models

LLMs show increasing covert racism towards AAE speakers. As models grow, overt racism decreases but covert racism rises, impacting decision-making systems.

by AI-360
Stanford Study Reveals AI Chatbots' Western Bias
Stanford Study Reveals AI Chatbots' Western Bias

Stanford study reveals Western bias in AI chatbot alignment, compromising global effectiveness. Examined nine languages and regional dialects, finding cultural nuances lead to misunderstandings. Researchers explore causes and solutions for more inclusive AI.

by AI-360
Alan Turing Institute Launches Lecture Series on AI's Impact on Democracy and Trust
Alan Turing Institute Launches Lecture Series on AI's Impact on Democracy and Trust

Alan Turing Institute's 2024 lecture series explores AI's impact on democracy, addressing deepfakes, bias, and trust in three expert-led discussions.

by AI-360
Stanford Researchers Address AI's Impact on Black Americans
Stanford Researchers Address AI's Impact on Black Americans

Stanford researchers released a white paper on AI's impact on Black Americans, highlighting risks like loan rejections and opportunities in education and creative fields.

by AI-360
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