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Finland Balances AI Innovation with Strong Safeguards for Human Rights and Democratic Values
Finland Balances AI Innovation with Strong Safeguards for Human Rights and Democratic Values

Finland leads in AI development with a national strategy balancing innovation and ethics, while actively shaping EU regulations and global AI norms.

by Stewart Tinson
Norway Fjords Ahead With Responsible AI Development
Norway Fjords Ahead With Responsible AI Development

Norway is making significant strides in the development and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI).

by Stewart Tinson
US Bill Demands Transparency on Copyrighted Works
US Bill Demands Transparency on Copyrighted Works

The proposed US law represents one of the first major legislative efforts to grapple with the thorny copyright issues raised by generative AI as the capabilities of these systems rapidly advance.

by Stewart Tinson
Belgium Bear-hugs Ethical AI with Strong National Strategy and Key Initiatives
Belgium Bear-hugs Ethical AI with Strong National Strategy and Key Initiatives

Belgium's National AI Strategy emphasizes ethics, human rights, and coherence across regions, aligning with OECD principles for trustworthy AI development.

by Stewart Tinson
UK MPs Urge Government Action on AI and Creator Compensation
UK MPs Urge Government Action on AI and Creator Compensation

As the debate over AI and creator rights intensifies, the UK government faces mounting pressure to strike a balance between fostering innovation and protecting the livelihoods of the creative sector.

by AI-360
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