15 posts

Regulation and Policy

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Bahrain- CAIDP
Bahrain- CAIDP

Bahrain plans AI strategy, pilots WEF guidelines. Data protection law enacted. Balancing tech growth with rights concerns remains a challenge.

by AI-360
Austria- CAIDP
Austria- CAIDP

Austria's AI strategy aligns with EU, emphasising trust and excellence. Strong data protection stance. Challenges include implementing AI Act and addressing concerns in surveillance.

by AI-360
Australia- CAIDP
Australia- CAIDP

Australia's AI strategy focuses on ethics, public consultation, and government use. Privacy Act reform underway. Challenges include implementing ethical principles and balancing innovation with regulation.

by AI-360
Finland- CAIDP
Finland- CAIDP

Finland leads in digital governance and ethical AI, balancing innovation with transparency through initiatives like Helsinki's AI register.

by AI-360
Hong Kong-CAIDP
Hong Kong-CAIDP

Hong Kong develops AI guidelines and ethical frameworks, but faces challenges balancing innovation, privacy, and its relationship with mainland China as it advances artificial intelligence capabilities.

by AI-360
Hungary- CAIDP
Hungary- CAIDP

Hungary adopts comprehensive AI strategy and ethics guidelines, but faces scrutiny over surveillance practices and democratic backsliding.

by AI-360
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