15 posts

Regulation and Policy

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Mauritius- CAIDP
Mauritius- CAIDP

Mauritius enacted data protection laws, ratified Convention 108+, and established an AI Council. Concerns persist over surveillance and biometric data collection.

by AI-360
France- CAIDP
France- CAIDP

France pursues AI leadership through its national strategy, but faces tensions between innovation goals and protecting fundamental rights.

by AI-360
Trinidad and Tobago- CAIDP
Trinidad and Tobago- CAIDP

No national AI strategy. Digital transformation plan in progress. Data protection law incomplete. Engaged in regional AI initiatives. Privacy concerns over e-identity plans.

by AI-360
Myanmar- CAIDP
Myanmar- CAIDP

Myanmar lacks AI strategy and data protection laws. AI-powered surveillance raises human rights concerns. Recent laws weaken privacy protections post-2021 coup.

by AI-360
Denmark- CAIDP
Denmark- CAIDP

Denmark's AI strategy prioritizes ethics and trust. Launched D-seal for data ethics. Balancing innovation and rights protection is ongoing focus.

by AI-360
South Korea- CAIDP
South Korea- CAIDP

South Korea's AI strategy aims for global leadership while emphasising ethics. It has AI ethical standards, updated data protection laws, and engages in international initiatives.

by AI-360
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